Nous créons des innovations scientifiques pour vous offrir les meilleures solutions dermatologiques à partir des ingrédients les mieux tolérés.

What are they  used for ?
What are they  used for ?
Where do they  come from ?
Preservatives are most often synthetic substances of different chemical families (aldehydes, parabens, phenoxyethanol, organic acids).
Why and how  do we use them ?
We use a very limited number of selected preservatives for certain categories of products. Their concentrations are rigorously determined to ensure the right level of microbiological protection of the product, in the strict respect of international regulations, in order to ensure a complete safety for the consumer.
We use different kinds of preservatives: if the same preservatives are constantly used, this leads to a higher exposure and therefore a higher risk of allergy for the consumer.
Preservatives used in organic products can be of natural origin and chemically transformed. We already use some of them in our products, but given their intrinsic allergenic potential (increased risks of allergic contact dermatitis), we want to gather more data of "cosmetovigilance" before using them on a larger scale. In addition, their specific characteristics mean that they cannot be used in all formulations.
We are developing more specific packaging and new formulations that are invulnerable to microbiological contamination.
Why are they  questioned ?
They are often accused of causing allergies, playing a role in the occurrence of certain cancers, and are singled out as endocrine disruptors.
- The number and concentration of preservatives that can be used in cosmetic products are very limited and strictly regulated by numerous international regulations.
- The safety data of these preservatives are very often re-examined by the scientific experts of the international health authorities, in order to take into account the most recent studies.
- At this occasion, the concentrations that can be used in cosmetic products can be adjusted in order to eliminate the potential impacts on the consumer’s health.
- In Europe the experts comittee of toxicologues, to evaluate the safety of a preservative, take into account the fact that the preservative can be used in several types of cosmetic products